Medspa Staff: Supporting customer decisions.

happyendings_poster.jpgFor your Medical Spa staff, Return Customer has some excelling thoughts on the decision making process and the way that support affects client happiness.

On why you need to reaffirm customer decisions:

There is always a bit of uncertainty when a customer decides to make a purchase. By immediately giving positive feedback to the customer that they made the right decision, you can remove that doubt.

I went to lunch last week at la Madeleine, a French bakery and restaurant. I wasn’t quite sure what to order since everything was new to me. I selected a sandwich and when I placed my order I was hoping that I had made a good decision.

And on ending all your medspa client encounters on a happy note:

The one thing your customers will remember is that last few moments of your interaction with them.

Our recent family vacation took us through Las Vegas’ airport to catch a connecting flight. As we landed, one of the Southwest Airlines flight attendants started singing an Elvis song to us over the intercom. She had a beautiful voice and even customized the words to us, her beloved Southwest passengers. Her song was followed by a large round of applause from those aboard the plane.

That act of song, put a smile on many passengers faces and wrapped up that flight on a positive note.

When you end with something good, people start to forget problems or issues they may have had earlier. A happy ending can completely turn things around in your favor.

Why is that? People have short term memories. If, during your interaction with a customer, something goes really bad, that is all they think about. Until something comes along to replace their seething anger, it will linger.

You can counter a bad experience by ending with an uplifting, positive conclusion. That newer, pleasant memory will then replace the negative thoughts of earlier troubles.

People love happy endings. Shouldn’t you try to create more of them for your customers?

The employee taking my order said with excitement: “that’s a great choice, it’s what I eat.”

Instantly I was pacified and confident I had made a good decision. My lunch turned out to be a good one.

Why is it so important to reassure the customer at the point of sale?

Your customers have mental distractions and concerns weighing them down and preventing them from fully enjoying their purchase. If these thoughts and fears are not neutralized, they are foreshadowing what will really happen.

At the point of sale, you can reassure, comfort, and instill confidence in the customer that their decision was the right one.

Armed with this confidence, your customers are more likely to be happy with their purchase. They’ll be less likely to have buyer’s remorse and return your product the next day.