Your Medical Spa's Front Desk

Your medical spa already has a receptionist of some sort... perhaps a few.

Sometimes, they're merely a guardian, a sentry to keep the riffraff in the lobby. Or, as in the case of many medical spas or laser clinics, a prettier than average female with lip fillers and clear skin that's supposed to be asperational for the majority of patients.

Other times, though, a receptionist can change the entire tone of an interaction. If you've got someone answering your phone, greeting your clients (who have traveled a thousand miles to visit your office) or otherwise dealing with the outside world, I think it's time to do some simple cost/benefit analysis.

If your front desk greets just 10 people a day, that adds up to 2,000 people a year.  How much is that worth to your business? Is it worth a dollar per interaction to transform all of those interactions into something spectacular?

In many if not most medical offices, the front desk staff sees incoming patients as just another person to get through the process. For some it's just another headache. And the patients feel that in all of the interactions. Fill out this paperwork. Sign here. Wait there.

But what if instead of hiring the cheapest person, or sticking with the existing person because it's easier, what if you invested in a truly remarkable experience?