Palomar Ranks 3 on 25 fastest growning tech companies.

Palomar must be firing on all cylinders since Business 2.0 ranks Palomar #3 on top 25 fastest growing tech companies.

Here's an expanded snapshot of Palomar's growth and income

Palomar Medical Technologies

Rank: 3 (Previous rank: 6)

Employees: 225
Headquarters: Burlington, MA
Sector(s): Medical
Why it's hot:
These days even 20-somethings are opting for a nip and a tuck. That's spiked demand for Palomar's six-figure gear, which uses lasers and light pulses to tighten skin, vaporize blemishes, and remove unsightly body hair.

Palomar Medical Expands European Distribution

50% year over year growth...  I wonder if that's all thanks to the $12,000 they charge for new IPL heads? Cutera, Alma, and the rest are playing second fiddle for sure.