Do Medical Spa Franchises Work For Physicians?

We all want to hear from medical spa franchise's.

I receive 10 or so inquires each week from physicians around the world regarding medical spas or medspa technologies. These physicians are often seeking information or recommendations about the growing number of medical spa franchises that are marketing themselves as 'turn-key solutions'.

There are 3000 physicians and medical spa professionals who visit this site each month including a number of individuals involved with medical spa franchises and licenses. So Medical Spa Franchises, here's your chance to let us hear some testimonials from satisfied clients.

If you own a medical spa franchise or operate under a license agreement, please used the email link here. You may sign it or post anonymous if you prefer. Either way, I'll ask you to include your name and email to ensure that franchises are not posting glowing reviews of themselves or flaming diatribes about each other. (Any individuals may remain antonymous if they wish.) We'll post all reviews and testimonials here.