Contribute to Medical Spa MD


Click here to submit your post or article.


Medical Spa MD welcomes contributions from readers. Just click on the link above and paste your submission into the text field.

I am happy to allow contributors to either use their own name, or use a pseudonym (Aesthetic MD). If you want to use a pseudonym I need to know who you are, but I will of course keep that information in confidence. I always make clear when it's my writing or that of a contributor both by giving a by-line in the title and by using indentation and different fonts. Links and backlinks may be included. You don't need to worry about formatting or images.

There are only a few groundrules for contributors. The topic has to be on some aspect of cosmetic medicine or business that should be of interest to medspaMD readers, but as most contributors are readers that's usually assumed.

Finally, although I print much of what I'm sent, medicalspaMD of course retains editorial control. Just use common sense and of course if you expressly do NOT want something published please tell me. You do give medicalspaMD all rights for info you submit -- but I'll reserve the right to say more about that if in some happy future day this site ever starts adding to my bank account rather than subtracting from it!